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Dr. Becky Kennedy (An American Clinical Psychologist) Biography, Qualifications & Contact Details

Dr. Becky Kennedy

Quick info about Dr. Becky Kennedy

Full NameDr. Rebecca Kennedy
Known asDr. Becky
NicknameDr. Kennedy 
ProfessionClinical Psychologist
DesignationFounder of the Good inside
EducationPhD in Clinical Psychology
Specialist Psychology
ExperienceOver 16 years
AddressNew York, US
Email id
Contact/Phone NumberNil

Who is Dr. Becky Kennedy

The real name of the famous psychologist Dr. Becky, is Dr. Rebecca Kennedy who is an American clinical psychologist and author by profession and she is the founder of “Good Inside”.

She started an organisation for child development and care in which children are raised in a better way with the right environment, best ideas and ways are explaining to give proper training to parents and their children so that they can develop a brilliant sense of humour and make an identity for themselves by being aware for the benefit of society, welfare and country with good behaviour and keeping this in mind, the facility of parent coaching is also provided.

Dr. Becky Kennedy has written about 4 books so far in her writing career, out of which Good Inside proved to be the most liked book. Dr. Becky Kennedy, along with being a mother of three children, also acts as a good mother for thousands of children in the country and the world.

She closely observed attachment, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and internal family systems theory and summarised how it would be appropriate to pay attention to this matter. Dr. Becky believes in practical knowledge rather than bookish knowledge and due to this everyone sees her in a different way.

She founded Good Inside and started an online parenting advice service and achieved better results due to which she was given the title of “millennial parent whisperer” by Time Magazine and famous channels in New York. Because of the good inside book, she is considered the best-selling author. In this article, we are going to present detailed information about Dr. Becky Kennedy and good inside, so if you have any kind of question related to this, then read this article completely because this article has given all the information that covers every single fact about Dr. Becky Kennedy and good inside, so let’s start.

Dr. Becky Kennedy Wikipedia, Age, Nationality

Age (as of 2024) 41 years
Date of Birth13 August 1983
Birthday13 August
BornNew York United States  
Zodiac signLibra ♎
Address New York
Speaks English

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Physical Stats & More

Height5 feet 6 inches
Weight58 Kilograms
Face ColourFair
Hair ColourBrown

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Contact Details

Dr. Becky Kennedy Biography, Early Life

Dr. Becky Kennedy aka Dr. Becky was born in October 1983 in Westchester County, New York City, USA. Dr. Becky Kennedy, who was interested in psychology since childhood, paid a lot of attention to this branch of science and improved herself in this field.

After schooling, she started a BA graduate education in psychology and human relationships from Duke University and obtained a bachelor’s degree after studying this subject for about 4 years. Later, for higher education, she took admission for PhD in clinical psychology at Columbia University, that is, she made herself an expert in psychology.

Dr. Becky Kennedy started practice after completing her education and also worked in many famous institutions and hospitals of the country, after that she is also known as a “people pleaser”, she started being counted in the list of best psychologists in New York and started working as a best advisor from the year 2020.

Dr. Kennedy founded Good Inside, through this institution or centre, she educates parents as a better advisor and recently has also started podcasts which you can listen to on YouTube or Apple Store, she also worked as a keynote speaker at TED where her show name is “The Single Most Important Parenting Strategy”. 

Currently, Dr. Becky Kennedy lives in Westchester County, New York with her husband and three children.

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s career

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s career actually started in January 2007. This was when Dr. Becky Kennedy, successfully completed her education and started working as a clinical psychology extern in the Forensic Inpatient unit of a hospital named Bellevue from there her training started where she studied in detail about forensic science, civil psychiatry, CBT, DBT, psychodynamic approaches, psychological assessment and individual therapy, but Dr. Becky Kennedy’s career is considered to have started in the year 2020, this is because at this time she got a different identity all over the world. In the year 2020, when the time of Coronavirus epidemic was going on, she started an Instagram account named Good Inside and started providing services as a clinical psychologist by establishing her company.

This is a private company which works on the basis of paid membership. Millions of people around the world are connected with this company, out of which around 94% are mothers only, but if we look at her academic career she qualified with honours.

Now talking about the experience and qualification of Becky Kennedy, she started working in the field of psychology in the year 2007 and is still working in this field, so she has an excellent experience of about 16 years. Information related to the experience of Dr. Becky Kennedy is shown separately below.

About Good Inside

This is an American-based private company run by Dr. Becky Kennedy, which offers various types of services as per the subscription membership. Under this, effective ideas are given for millions of parents to solve household challenges. This company also works to enhance the better behaviour and logical intelligence of children.


Social Media Details of Dr. Becky Kennedy

Social MediaFollowers till Oct/2024URL
Checkout servicesVisit WebsiteLink

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Centre / Hospital Details

CompanyGood inside
HeadquartersNew York
CompanyAmerican online services provided company
CategoryPsychology and human relationships
Foundation year2020
Specialities and Servicessolve challenges Click here for more details
Service areaWorld wide
Company sizeNil
CEODr. Becky Kennedy

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Education

  • BA (Psychology and human relationships)
    University – Duke University
  • MA(Clinical Psychology)
    University -Columbia University
  • PhD ( Clinical Psychology)
    University – Columbia University

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Expertise

  • Psychotherapy
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Behavioural Health
  • Parent Education

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Services

  • Understand your kid and know how to respond
  • Stay calm & grounded in difficult moments
  • Know that you & your kid are on the right track
  • All 20 workshops & access to all future workshops from Dr. Becky
  • A living library of relevant scripts, clips, & articles — including podcast transcripts
  • Our complete Good Inside podcast catalogue
  • A judgement-free, caring community
  • Live, members-only events with Dr. Becky and Good Inside-trained coaches

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Experience

  • CEO and Founder of Good Inside – 2021- present
  • Clinical Psychologist -2020
  • Clinical Psychologist and Consultant- New York
  • Psychological Consultant- 2012- 2021
  • Parent Guidance Consultant at Seedlings Group -2012-2019
  • Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Clinical Psychology Extern at Roosevelt Hospital 2009
  • Clinical Psychology Extern at Bellevue Hospital -2007

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Salary, Income and Net Worth

  • Dr. Becky Kennedy’s net worth:  500 million approx
  • Salary from the centre: $2000-3000 dollars (approx)
  • Source of Income: writing books, business ventures, social media, centre etc.

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s top book list

  • Good Inside
  • My Misadventures: Multiple Sclerosis: It’s Not Just a Disease-It’s an Adventure!
  • That’s My Truck! A Good Inside Story about Hitting
  • Assessing Dyslexia

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s books at Amazon shop store-

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s Fees/Charges

Dr. Becky Kennedy fee-  $100 live event fee

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who is Dr. Becky Kennedy?

And.The real name of the famous psychologist Dr. Becky, is Dr. Becky Kennedy who is an American clinical psychologist and author by profession and she is the founder of “good inside”.

Q. What is the speciality of Dr. Becky Kennedy?

Ans. Psychology

Q. What is Dr. Becky Kennedy’s highest degree and education qualification?

Ans. PhD in Clinical psychology

Q. How many years of experience does Dr. Becky Kennedy have?

Ans. 16 year

Q. How to book an appointment with Dr. Becky Kennedy?

Ans. by visiting her website

Q. Does Dr. Becky Kennedy provide free consultation?

Ans. No

Q. Can I book an online consultation with Dr. Becky Kennedy?

Ans. Yes

Q. What are the charges and fees for consulting Dr. Becky Kennedy?

Ans. 100$ live event fee

Q. What is the name of Dr. Becky Kennedy’s husband

Ans. Andy Speer

Q. Which languages are spoken by Dr. Becky Kennedy?


Q. Dr. Becky Kennedy’s address and hometown?

Ans. New York USA

Disclaimer: The above details about Dr. Becky Kennedy have been obtained from various online reports. The website does not guarantee 100% accuracy of statistics. All pictures have been taken from social media accounts.

All information and pictures are taken from the website given below.
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