
This magical drink can reduce your belly fat in just 15 days. 

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Obesity and extra fat in our body works as a host for many types of fatal diseases. It also promotes serious diseases like cancer. 

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The drink we are going to talk about can be easily made at home. It melts belly fat easily and it does not allow it to increase in future. 

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3 things are required to make this drink. Cumin, Cinnamon and Cloves. 

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These three have different characteristics. The properties found in them remove excess belly fat and strengthen the digestive system. Cumin easily breaks down the fat we eat through our food. 

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This drink reduces cholesterol and controls sugar. 

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To make the drink, take these three things in the same amount of 30-30 grams. 

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Now grind all three finely with the help of a mixer grinder. 

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Store this powder in an airtight container. 

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Mix 1 teaspoon of this prepared powder with water in a glass. 

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After mixing, boil it for about 5-7 minutes, remember to boil it till the quantity of water remains 75%. 

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Drink this boiled water just like tea, if you are not a diabetes patient then add honey as per taste. 

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Consume this drink daily for 1.5- 2 months. 

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If you want quick results then manage your diet as well. Do not eat much. Eat as low quantity carbohydrates as possible. 

 Pic Credit : Freepik.com